Sunday, December 5, 2010

1600 Beach St, Marina

1600 Beach, MarinaMarina is a San Francisco suburb briming with Art Deco apartments and 1600 Beach is a typical example.

Decoration is typically limited to the roofline above the window bays and around the main entrance. Sometimes there is decoaration below each window but not in this case.

The decoration at the roofline of 1600 Beach is a great example of an Art Deco 'frozen fountain' which always reminds me of stylished tree ferns.

1600 Beach, Marina

The same pattern has been placed above the entrance as the centrepiece of the decoration at ground level which includes a panel of chevrons, stylised flowers and stepped supports.

1600 Beach, Marina

The doors is set back in a tiled entrance. Deco patterns have been included in the metalwork of the doorway which also has 1600, the number of the flats, in the centre of the main door.

1600 Beach, Marina


  1. That is a seriously nice entrance.

  2. This seems to be the style of these apartment blocks in Marina and nearby Pacific Heights. I had a great few hours exploring both areas.

  3. Stunning detailing, especially the main door entrance!

  4. I love this site and thank you! BTW, the Marina neighborhood is not a suburb of San Francisco.

  5. Thank you PTCruiser.

    I would like to know more about why Marina is not a suburb of SF. My Macquarie Dictionary, albeit an Australian dictionary, defines suburb as a district usually residential and to some degree remote from the business or administrative centre of a city or large town and enjoying its own facilities, as schools, shopping centres, railway stations. I think that could apply to Marina. Maybe we just use the word suburb differently this side of the Pacific.
