Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Building in Bairnsdale

A Building in Bairnsdale

I don't know anything about this building in Bairnsdale, Victoria. It has the most wonderful tower so it may have been a cinema but the plaque on the façade shows a horse-drawn carriage passing through a winged-tyre so it was perhaps related to transport, possibly a garage.

A Building in Bairnsdale


  1. Isn't it a beauty! Dates from 1939, built for G P motors (who also had a branch in South Melbourne) , designed by John Wright and built by Owen & Hams. The tower(40 ft high) originally carried lettering of 'garage'. It was the latest in styling, material used and facilities offered to customers seeking to buy a car or waiting for theirs to be serviced. The section beneath the roundel was originally the entrance for the service department. See Spirit of Progress Autumn 2008 and the Herald 4/10/39
